#69: Will VC get cancelled? ❌
Hey friends,
This week: Who’s the new kid on the billion-dollar healthcare block? (It’s Iodine Software.) Are you drowning in data? Two computer screens not enough? (Put on a VR headset and have it out with your datasets.) How is London-based Ruby Labs tackling the obesity crisis? (Check out the Opportunities section as they’re hiring for several roles.) And is venture capital dead? (Let us know what you think.)
News Bites 🥪
💰 Will venture capital survive the wrath of Generation Z? - Tech-savvy, uncompromising Gen Zers can’t be fooled by marketing tricks and are less worried about social labels and reputation. This generation is going to shake up venture capital and the startup ecosystem, but how exactly? They’ve cancelled mainstream consumer brands before, are large institutional investors the next victims?
🎮 Join the fight against disease on the Virtual Reality battlefield - The way that scientific data is accessed and processed has been transformed by researchers from Sweden’s Lund University. Using 3D video gaming technology, the team have developed a VR environment that enables scientists to see all of their data in one place. Using VR headsets and controllers, they can walk around and manipulate their datasets intuitively and efficiently.
🇮🇪 x🇬🇧 Ireland and UK collaborate to accelerate digital innovation in the healthcare sector - The Irish government’s ambitions to “deliver the right care, in the right place, at the right time” relies on digital health. This exciting partnership is expected to bring benefits for patients in the UK and across the Irish sea, whilst strengthening Ireland’s position as a European digital leader.
💪 Will Ruby Labs be Able to take on weight loss giants, Weight Watchers and Noom? London-based Ruby Labs looks to tackle the “biggest pandemic of them all”, the obesity crisis with their weight management app, Able. Launched earlier this year, Able believes its holistic approach will disrupt this massive market.
🦄 Iodine Software is the newest healthcare unicorn on the block - Another week, another healthcare company joins the billion-dollar club. Iodine Software, a healthcare company that leverages AI to help hospitals code and bill more accurately, secured an undisclosed amount from a private equity firm, Advent International.
What to Listen to 🔊
🧠 The Healthtech Podcast - #252 The Story of RCube Health with CEO Ravi Janapureddy - This week James is joined by Ravi Janapureddy, CEO and Co-Founder of RCube Health. RCube Health is on a mission to provide affordable, effective solutions that promote good mental health and well-being. A man of many talents, Ravi is a healthcare entrepreneur, product leader and ex-management consultant with an MBA from the SAID Business School, University of Oxford.
⚕️Shuri Network Podcast: What does Digital Health mean?
The term “digital health” gets thrown around a LOT but what does it actually mean? What’s the difference between digital health, healthtech and medtech? In this episode, you’ll hear from digital health experts: Rachel Dunscombe, CEO of the NHS Digital Academy and Principal at Tektology and Pam Cairns, Data Liaison Manager at NHS Digital. The pair aim to demystify the hype and explore what digital health is all about.
The award-winning Shuri Network is the first network for women of colour in digital health and care. Named after Shuri, the Black Panther character who is responsible for her country’s technological success, the network is supported by Health Education England, NHSX and NHS Digital.
Opportunities 💰
🛠 Various Roles - Ruby Labs, a consumer-led tech company is on a mission to disrupt the wellness markets and empower people to make self-care a way of life. The company has been remote-first from day one with a team working across many different countries. To support their rapid growth, they are seeking out exceptional people for roles in Finance, Marketing, Product and Development.